secman64.dll specified module could not be found
Pasted from Ellie Mae's knowledge base, article number 000011391.
You will need to re-register the secman.dll and secman64.dll files to clear this message: - Open an elevated command prompt window: Start >type in "cmd" > right-click on the cmd.exe and select "Run as administrator".
2. Key the following into the Command Prompt (what you type is in italics. <ENTER> = Press Enter). You will need to do this for each .dll file separately.- C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Outlook Security Manager <ENTER>
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Outlook Security Manager>regsvr32 secman.dll <ENTER>

- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Outlook Security Manager>regsvr32 secman64.dll <ENTER>
***Please note: You will want to verify the DLLs are in the specified folder location. As systems vary, this folder location may be different. If it is not the same as what is above, then you will need to modify the above file paths to reflect the correct folder location/path for the workstation(s) in question*** - Once you're finished you can close the Command Prompt window and relaunch Encompass.
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