1. Open the primary borrower's loan file from the pipeline
2. Click on the Tools tab, then click Co-Mortgagors or the page and
pencil at the top left to access Manage Borrowers.

3. To import a borrower, click the Import button.
4. Select Source Another Loan File

5. Select Borrower or Co-Borrower from the list to import the information from
the borrower or co-borrower in the Encompass loan file. Select the numbered
position in the Borrower Pairs list where you want to import the borrower.

In this case, I want to import the borrower from another
loan and put them into my existing loan as the borrower on the 2nd
application pair.

and then click Next.
6. On the Select Loan window, select\search for the loan file you want to
import from, and then click Select.