How Register Your IP Address\Network To Access SettlementOne From New Location

How Register Your IP Address\Network To Access SettlementOne From New Location

When you are working away from the office, you will need to register your new IP address with CreditPlus(Now Xactus) before you can access CreditPlus(Now Xactus) services.

  1. Open your web browser and go to
  2. Login with your SettlementOne username and password.
  3. You will be prompted with the following page. Click on "Text Me Authentication Code" or "Email Me Authentication Code"
  4. SettlementOne will send you a 4 digit Authentication Code in a few seconds.  Use your mouse to enter the 4 digit code. Be sure to check the box next to "Register computer/Network" to run SettlementOne  via Encompass, then and click continue.
  5. If you have entered your Auth Code correctly, you will be taken to the SettlementOne home page and now run SettlementOne from Encompass

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